Thursday, August 21, 2014

New day y'all!!

Hello to all,
This is my first day and time blogging (first day of the rest of my life kind of thing!).
I hope my musings will at least make you laugh (a little I hope). I am not all that much of a talker ,but
here goes nothin'.
I am an artist (fabric, dolls, bags, totes, quilter, painter, Faux fininsher, blah, blah.) I've kind of done a lot of different things over the years, now trying to stay focused on my dolls so go to my Etsy site and you can see it all.

My background (college) is in advertising and graphic design which I never liked the business side of advertising I always liked the graphic design part. It was different back when I went to college we didn't have computers like now we had to do everything by hand! A lot of copying things over and over again.

I have a studio in Frederick, Maryland where I am finally able to spread out and do the things I love.
I just had a showing in a gallery in Waynesboro, Penn.( I know you're saying big whoop, but any exposure
is good exposure) I just want as many people to see my work as possible.

My best selling dolls are my Voodoo dolls.

Tomorrow I will talk more hope you follow,
Peace out!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Sis. Love your new blog page.Luck and Love to you my Sister
